Sprint canoe and kayak
Canoe and kayak Sprint racing is held on calm waters such as lakes and canals, in courses with nine straight lanes defined by buoys, in single, double and four-person boats. Over distances of 200, 500 and 1000 meters, this exciting head-to-head competition features high speed and closely contested events.
Opportunities for National level racing are available beginning at age 12. Age group National Championships include events for age groups from under 14 to over 75 years old. International racing begin at 15 years old with the Olympic Hopes Regatta. A world Championships for Juniors under 18, those under 23 (U23), and Seniors (open), as well as Paracanoe are held annually. Canoe/kayak races are also included in the Pan American, Olympic, and Paralympic Games.


Sprint canoeing is done on flat water using light and narrow canoes. It is done with one knee in a kneeling position, and the other leg in front and bent. Paddling is done on one side. The paddling is done either on the left or on the right but never both. To canoe requires balance and the ability to direct the canoe along a straight line. It is performed with one person (C1) or a team of two (C2).